No matter how much we plan or how hard we try, life seems to always find a way to steer us off our path. The destination may remain the same, but how we get there changes. Whether this comes from experiences, environment, success, failure, adversity, opportunity, or many other things, we are often walking a path we never anticipated. There is no predetermined roadmap for these sorts of challenges. Instead, we find ourselves lost. To find our way, we must first find ourselves so we can align ourselves with where we want to go.

Regardless of if we are reaching peaks or walking through valleys, it is important to always find a path throughout this journey – especially for those with high aspirations. After all, the higher you rise, the further you can fall. Because of this, it is important to build an immovable foundation as you develop and grow. By doing so, you will reach places you would have never otherwise seen. Using my journey as a college football player, this book walks through these things over the course of five years.

During this time, I was able to turn an academic scholarship into a degree, coaching changes and a walk-on opportunity into a football career, created irreplaceable relationships, and discovered how to continuously become the best version of myself. All the while, I fought to stay true to who I was along the way. None of my personal accomplishments on or off the field would have been possible without the help and guidance of my faith, family, friends, coaches, and teammates. This book is dedicated to all those who have touched my life in any sort of way. For anyone who reads my story, one thing should be understood. This is not just another feel good or inspirational story. This is real. My story has been written to provide you with the tangible tools to best live yours.